
Cellulite! What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of this word? Probably you will think of the fat found on certain spaces in your body such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks! Many of us struggle with this issue due to many reasons. Many might be wondering what are the reasons and what is the treatment? 

Together in this blogpost, we will learn why we get cellulite, what are the lifestyle modifications to be taken into consideration to reduce cellulite, what are the preferred treatments, and what are the distinctive skin devices for better skin texture? 

  • Why do we get cellulite? 

Since there is no certain reason to the formation of cellulite, what we can say in science is that cellulite is the yield or product of the irregular tightening of fibrous bands (they connect your skin to the underlying muscle). If we have to delve deeper into this formation of fat, we might say that the irregularity of this contraction ends up in the production of this lumpy skin we call cellulite.  

In addition to that, some people do not burn fat as fast as others, and when they do, some quantity of this fat will stay due to low metabolism and sit on areas such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks.  

Other reasons, can be related to cardiovascular levels. This means that the body is functioning on a weak circulation. This circulation can be affected by toxins that end up sitting in the body and not allowing themselves to be released. This ends up by having formation of cellulite on sensitive skin spots. 

  • What are the lifestyle modifications to be taken into consideration to reduce cellulite? 

There are different ways to reduce the “dimpled skin” which is called cellulite. Let’s check them together! 

  1. Stay hydrated 
  2. Reduce carbohydrates intake 
  3. Quit smoking 
  4. Exercise regularly  
  5. Have a healthy and balanced diet 

  • What are the preferred treatments? 

With the evolution of medical treatments and with the progression science is making nowadays, we can proudly say that there are a good number of treatments and cures for cellulite. Starting with the following: 

  • Sculptra 

The poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) in Sculptra’s formula is what allows the collagen to get revitalized and strengthened in the skin when injected. Resulting in a smoother and lifted skin area.  

  • Collagenase 

Collagenase clostridium histolyticum-aaes injection is used to treat moderate to severe cellulite. Collagenase is an enzyme. Its duty is to break up skin or tissue that is dead.  

Mode of Injection: 

  1. The shots should be given in a medical facility by a health professional 
  2. Injections per treatment area: 12 
  3. Treatment areas per visit: 2 
  4. The injections are given every 21 days for 3 treatment visits. 


  • Lipase  

Like Collagenase, Lipase is another enzyme that helps in treating the building up of cellulite. Its job is to boost the absorption of fat in the body. All this breaking down of fat through enzymes, is called Enzyme Therapy! 

  • What are the distinctive skin devices for better skin texture?
  1. Radiofrequency treatments 
  2. Morpheus8 
  3. Combining IPL/RF treatments 



We are always proud and happy with the news of our doctors attending distinctive conferences. Their presence in these seminars is important and remarkable as they are to bringing to you the latest updates on skin care, plastic surgery, and aesthetic medicine. 

  • Dr. Ghassan Said, attended a seminar in Italy. In order to bring you the best results, Dr. Said delved more into the modernized news on butt filler injections.
  • Dr. Georges Fidawi was in Germany. He attended an innovative conference in order to bring you the finest updated techniques and cures for skin care.
  • Dr. Georges Ziade attended a forum at Gain Dubai to get the latest information on facial injections.
  • Dr. Ziade presented a webinar for Aptos about the effect of Polylactic acid and Polycaprolactone threads on skin, based on a recently published medical study done by our research team. 

Other lovely news is the following: 

  • Dr. Maysa Oraibi; a professional dermatologist and cosmetic gynecologist proudly joined our clinic in Lebanon. Dr. Oraibi has an extensive experience in facial injections and skin care. Also, she exhibits great knowledge and expertise in the field of cosmetic gynecology. 
  • We happily announce that Dr. Ziade will be regularly visiting Canada for patient visits and trainings.
  • Starting next month, Dr. Ziade will be in Toronto in The Aesthetic Lounge with Dr. Babak Maliki. 

For You Our Lovely Patients: 

  • Updates on the loyalty card were performed. This means you are welcomed in the clinics of Dubai and Lebanon to be pampered and taken care of in an even more luxurious and extensive manner. (One of the best HydraCool Facial treatments in the market is included in the updates of the loyalty card.) 

#StayTuned for the Upcoming Blog 

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