Cosmetic Surgeries

  • General Instructions
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Facelift
  • Otoplasty
  • FaceTite

What are the Postoperative Instructions?

  1. Following your procedure, you may need to stay to the treatment room for 10-15 minutes.
  2. On the day of your surgery, you should limit your activity. Please consult with your physician regarding when you can return to work and normal activities.
  3. The physician will provide you a prescription of medications that you will need to take and follow accordingly.
  4. Avoid sports and strenuous activities 4 to 6 weeks to avoid any complications (bleeding, damage to wounds, etc.)
  5. You may have a light meal if you are not nauseated after a specific time of the surgery.
  6. Due to limited activity, a nutritious high-calorie diet helps speed your recovery. And stay hydrated.
  7. If you have an incision covered by a dressing, it may be removed the day following surgery but should be kept as clean and dry as possible. If you notice drainage from the incision or a foul odor related to the incision, we ask you to check your temperature and notify us. Discuss whether bathing is appropriate with your doctor.
  8. Minimize your exposure to the sun to avoid any sun damage to your skin or scar tissue.
  9. Sleep with your head elevated above heart level for 3 weeks. This will help decrease soreness, bruising and swelling.
  10. You may use ice pack for the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Use a dry cloth below the ice bag to prevent tissue damage. No ice for facelifts.
  11. Do not bend or lift objects greater than 2kgs.
  12. You may wear light eyeglasses 3 months post rhino surgeries.
  13. You will be given an appointment for suture removal 6 to 9 days after your surgery.
  14. Follow up consultation will be scheduled; this appointment should be within 2-6 weeks of your surgery.

If there are additional requirements by a specific hospital, the hospital administration will be responsible for delivering this message and if you have further inquiries, please contact our team.

What are the Preoperative Instructions?

  1. You will be asked to sign a Consent for Surgery form at this time. If you have any questions about this form, please ask your physician.
  2. Ensure that your pre-anesthesia consultation (PAC) and PCR test were completed 2-3 days prior to surgery. (If the surgery will be done in the hospital)
  3. Do not eat any foods for 8 hours or drink any liquids 6 hours before the time of surgery including, but not limited to, water, mints, chewing gum, hard candy, etc.
  4. 24 hours before your surgery: eliminate all alcohol from your diet, stop smoking and refrain from any illegal drugs.
  5. Do not wear makeup, eye contact, dentures, and nail polish on the day of the procedure.
  6. At hospital surgeries: the night before, take a shower or bath and wash using a Chlorhexidine scrub brush, being sure to focus on the part that will be operated on. Repeat it on the morning of the surgery.
  7. Notify if you notice any change in your physical condition such as a cold, fever, rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other illness.
  8. Leave valuables and jewelry at home.
  9. Avoid taking over-the-counter pain medication (Except acetaminophen/paracetamol) for five days prior to surgery.
  10. Most medicines can be taken with a sip of water, however, ask your surgeon about diuretics and blood thinners.
  11. Wear comfortable clothing on the day of surgery.
  12. A family member must be available to drive you home and monitor your status on the day of surgery.

If there are additional requirements by a specific hospital, the hospital administration will be responsible for delivering this message and if you have further inquiries, please contact our team.

Can I exercise after blepharoplasty?

You can resume light sports activities two weeks after your surgery and heavy sports cans start 4 weeks after blepharoplasty. Examples: you may resume light walking three days after surgery. Aerobic exercise, weight training, heavy lifting, and straining may be gradually resumed a month after surgery.

What should I avoid after a blepharoplasty?

The most important thing is to avoid causing any tension on the suture line to avoid bad scarring. Please also avoid:

    • Sun exposure, sun lamps, or tanning beds for six weeks after surgery. Heat may cause your face to swell. While we recommend wearing a SPF 30 or higher, our physicians and staff wear a SPF 50 every day.
    • Avoid extreme physical activity including athletic activities and intercourse.

When can I wear makeup after a blepharoplasty?

After blepharoplasty you can directly wear makeup on the face but not on the eyes. You will need to wait for 1 month before resuming eye makeup after blepharoplasty as your eyes will be sensitive.

Can I wash my face after a blepharoplasty?

You can wash your face after blepharoplasty but without rubbing the face and causing any tension on the suture lines.

How long do stitches stay in after a blepharoplasty?

Usually stitched are removed 7 days after the surgery.

How do I have to sleep after a blepharoplasty?

One to two weeks after surgery, your eyelid may be swollen and bruised. You will see the final result one month after the Blepharoplasty.

How long does bruising/swelling last after blepharoplasty?

In many cases, no bruising is seen. For others, bruising can be completely gone within one to two weeks after Blepharoplasty. The heaviest bruising usually develops within 48 to 76 hours after surgery.

Don’t be concerned if the eyes show some swelling – this usually resolves within 2 weeks. In certain patients, it may require six months for all swelling to completely subside.

How do you take care of your eyes after blepharoplasty?

In some cases lubricating the eyes with artificial tears is needed to avoid eye dehydration.

What is the fastest way to recover from a blepharoplasty?

If you want to speed up the recovery after Blepharoplasty, you need to:

  1. Apply ice on your forehead and cheeks for 48 hours after the procedure.
  2. Take the prescribed medications.
  3. Avoid sun exposure and use sun protection.
  4. Keep your head elevated to minimize swelling.

How long does it take to heal from a blepharoplasty?

You can easily return to normal activities seven to 10 days after blepharoplasty. One to two weeks after blepharoplasty, most of the bruising and swelling fade off and you’ll the final results a month after the procedure.

How long does nose job take to heal?

Starting the first month, the shape of the nose starts to be evident. The final shape is seen 6-12 months after.

When can you sleep on your side after rhinoplasty?

We recommend you avoid sleeping on your side during 1 month.

When can I wash my face after rhinoplasty?

Starting the second day without rubbing the face around the nose to avoid tension on the suture lines, if present.

When can I shower after rhinoplasty?

You can shower 3 days after your rhinoplasty.

What is the fastest way to recover from a nose job?

  • Apply ice on the forehead and cheeks during the first 48 hours while avoiding any pressure on your nose.
  • Take anti-edema medications
  • Keep the head elevated 30-45 degrees during the first week
  • Avoid excessive heat

What should I avoid after rhinoplasty?

  • You should avoid any tension on the suture line (especially if the incisions were made on the sides of the nose).
  • Avoid wearing eyeglasses for at least 3 months.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least 1 month.
  • Avoid facial trauma
  • Avoid sneezing during the first week
  • Light eye and sunglasses are not allowed during the first month postoperatively

When can I eat after rhinoplasty?

You can eat anytime after your rhinoplasty.

How many hours does a rhinoplasty take?

In general, a rhinoplasty last between 1-2 hours.

Can a nose job change your voice?

If the surgery affects your nasal breathing a hyponasal voice can be heard. That’s why it is very important to have a good functional and esthetic result at the end of the rhinoplasty.

How long is recovery from rhinoplasty?

The Rhinoplasty’s recovery lasts between one and two weeks and the final result is seen starting 1 month after the surgery.

Facelift Instructions

  • Stop smoking 1 week prior and 1 month after the surgery for a better healing.
  • Avoid sports and strenuous activities 4 to 6 weeks to avoid any complications (bleeding, damage to wounds, etc.)
  • Sleep with your head elevated above heart level (45°) for 4 weeks. This will help decrease soreness, bruising and swelling.
  • Try not to sleep on the side of your face.
  • Avoid excessive pressure or motion on and around the incisions and avoid excessive facial movements for 2 weeks.
  • Wear your compression garment 24/7 for 2 weeks. After the second week we recommend to wear it for 30 days only at night.
  • Avoid excessivesunning of the face for approximately 3 months, and stay out of the heat for up to 6 weeks. We recommend wearing a SPF sunscreen every day.
  • You may wash your hair with lukewarm water 2 days after suture removal.
  • Avoid hitting or bumping your face, head and neck.
  • You will be given a follow-up appointment 3 days after surgery, and a suture removal appointment 7days after surgery.
  • Severe pain or swelling, especially if greater on one side, is uncommon – if you experience this notify us.
  • Makeup may be used 7 days after surgery (except on the incisions). Makeup may be applied on the incisions 3-4 days after the sutures are removed.
  • Take only medications prescribed by your doctor. You will receive prescriptions for pain medication and an antibiotic.
  • You may wash your face but keep the dressing dry.
  • Iced pads should be applied to the eyes and cheeks for the first 48hours to minimize swelling and discoloration.
  • Brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush only. Avoid manipulation of upper lip and cheeks. You may have difficulty opening your mouth wide or turning your head.
  • Avoid food requiring prolonged chewing for 2 weeks.

How soon will you see ear surgery results?

Directly after Otoplasty, you can see results. And the final result is seen 1 month after surgery.

Can I drink alcohol after otoplasty?

It all depends on the antibiotic given during the first week. In general a glass of alcohol is allowed every other day.

How do you sleep after otoplasty?

It is advisable to sleep with the head of the bed elevated for the first week after surgery. In any case, you have to sleep on your back during the first month.

What should I avoid after otoplasty?

  • You should avoid any tension of the ear for at least 3 months
  • Avoid extreme physical activity, including athletic activities and intercourse. You may resume light walking three days after surgery. Aerobic exercise, weight training, heavy lifting, and straining may be gradually resumed three weeks after surgery
  • Swimming is not allowed until 6 weeks after surgery
  • Absolutely avoid sun exposure, sun lamps, or tanning beds for six weeks after surgery. While we recommend wearing a SPF 30 or higher, our physicians and staff wear a SPF 50 every day

Can I wash my hair after otoplasty?

Yes you may shampoo your hair, but you will have to wait 3 days after your Otoplasty.

How long do you have to wear a headband after otoplasty?

Wear the headband over your ears day and night for 2 weeks. Then for one month only while sleeping.

Does otoplasty last forever?

Otoplasty is permanent. The results are immediately visible and last forever.

How long does it take to recover from otoplasty?

In most cases, you can expect your Otoplasty recovery to be complete after a month but you’ll notice significant improvements in the appearance of your ears in just 2 or 3 weeks.

What should I do after otoplasty?

  • Keep your head elevated 45 degrees to minimize swelling
  • You need to wear a head band for 2 weeks 24/24 hours then for one month only while sleeping
  • After the dressing is removed, apply Fucidic acid ointment to the incision lines 3 times daily for 2-3 days
  • There will be some areas of decreased sensation or numbness. The sensation will return to normal over time. Be careful to avoid burns when using curling irons, blow dryer, etc…
  • Take only medications prescribed by your doctor
  • You may wear your glasses but they should be taped up so they don’t rest on the incision

What are the instructions to follow after the FaceTite treatment?

  • Sleep on your back with head elevated, for 48 to 72 hours after the treatment
  • Shower/washing of face 4 days after, without rubbing the face and not using hot water
  • Keep the face band day and night for 2 to 4 days, then for 2 to 4 weeks while sleeping at night
  • Suture removal is on the 7th day after the procedure, avoid water on the incision site for 2 more days
  • Light sports may resume after 2 weeks, heavy activities after a month
  • Full make up after 4 weeks
  • No smoking for 1 month after the procedure
  • Heat/sun direct exposure should be avoided for a month
  • Facetite best result is done with MORPHEUS, first session will be right after the procedure and the next 2 sessions will be done with 1 month interval

Facetite result will start to show, starting 1 month after the treatment. The final result will be 6 to 12 months after. The effect will last for an average of 5 years

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